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Should I purchase a Wheel Alignment Machine?

Is Offering Wheel Alignment to My Customers Going to be Profitable?
Financial incentives may not be the reason you got in to the workshop world however unless you’re a not-for-profit organisation, you have to make a profit. Don’t you want to be investing resources in the areas that are going to pay the highest dividend?
If you purchase the right wheel alignment machine, the profit margins associated with offering wheel alignment as a service can be the highest amongst all services offered in a workshop. Why? Find out below…
A profit calculator is available from the SUPALIGN website which is JHM Butt’s dedicated wheel alignment brand. Here you can enter the values of your expected labour costs, cost of your equipment, estimated number of vehicles worked on and how much you’re going to charge. This is a very useful tool to work out if your wheel alignment machine will pay for itself. For instance, our 6CCD wheel alignment machine is showing a price of £38.24 per week, go ahead and type in the revenue you expect to make along with associated costs and you’ll get your profit. Please click the below image and it will take it to you profit calculator…
All of JHM Butt’s garage equipment offering including wheel alignment equipment is offered to customer’s based on their circumstances, budget and requirements. For instance, we will ensure the customer’s imaging technology is most suitable for their particular workshop. Providing a consultation service to the customer is how we ensure that workshops who purchase from us provide the best possible alignment service to their customers.
Consider how quickly you can carry out an alignment check with the SUPALIGN aligners. It is a 2 minute check to diagnose whether a vehicle’s alignment is out. That’s a 2 minute investment to potentially earn £25 - £50 for a front and rear camber adjustment. As mentioned previously, the profit margins associated with 4 wheel alignment equipment are worth it, it is just case of committing to use the machine and providing an informative conversation to your customer. Education is incredibly important in today’s landscape. Don’t be afraid to provide a free wheel alignment check and then on completion (if required), educate and justify to the customer why they need their camber adjusting.
Your conversation shouldn’t be long and tedious, it should be short, candid and straight to the point without being pushy. Customer’s can often switch off if you start talking at length regarding toe wheel, camber, caster & thrust angle etc. They just want to know why it’s best for them, why should they spend this money?
Hopefully this article has persuaded you that wheel alignment systems are worth investing in financial terms. In addition to this, being able to provide a workshop with as many services as possible will ensure your customers stay with you rather than taking it to your competitors. You will just need to ensure you are offering a professional service and have had yourself/your technicians trained. In addition to providing high quality wheel alignment equipment, we have in-house specialists who can provide 1 -5 day training courses to ensure your staff are in the best possible position to offer a professional wheel alignment service.