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The 4 step approach towards successfully purchasing MOT Bays

The equipment that you purchase for an MOT bay is going to be with you for a long time. 75% - 80% of existing MOT testers who have been in operation for 8 years still have their original brake tester, MOT lift and MOT emissions tester.
But the surprising thing is that most MOT workshops place a greater emphasis on price than any other factor. Your equipment should be chosen on more factors than just price, your equipment won’t be in peak condition forever and having the right supplier can save you £1000s in the future.
Let’s walk through our 4 step process on making the best decision possible when considering your MOT equipment.
- Arrange a site visit & survey
If you’ve chosen a helpful firm to carry out a site visit, they will give the best advice they can considering your requirements. You may have an idea in your head that you want a particular type of MOT equipment, however after a site survey you may have a new reality on what you can actually achieve.
Case Study - One of our customers wanted to purchase a 4 post MOT ramp for their bay however following on from a site visit, they only had space for a MOT scissor lift and our customer wasn’t willing to extend the building. In addition to this, you may find that your building isn’t suitable for an MOT Bay so this will save you a lot of time and resources. However, there are some basic checks you can do before arranging a site survey, such as;
- Access Door Height (must be 2.4m for class 4, must be 3.2m for class 7)
- Access Door Width (must 2.4m for class 4, must be 3.0m for class 7)
- Consider your bay packages and requirements
Do you require an automated test lane (also known as ATL)? Or, do you require a 2-men testing lane? Going ATL will increase your productivity as it only requires one man to test vehicles rather than 2 in a NON-ATL bay. You’ll also need to work out what vehicles you’re going to work on as this will determine your MOT testing equipment package.
“If ATL is more efficient, why would I purchase a 2 man testing lift?” The DVSA sets out layout regulations that MOT Bays must comply to, sometimes workshops don’t have the space for a 1 man testing lane.
Are you looking to save space or cost? Everyone will say “both” to this question. MOT scissor lifts are a great way to save space, they look great but can be up to double the price. Those looking to venture in to the MOT Bay world need to consider if they are tight on space. Please refer to point 1 for more information on this
You’ll need to ensure your MOT equipment is on the approved DVSA list, all of JHM Butt’s MOT equipment is DVSA approved. JHM butt have the ability to provide a detailed CAD drawing that you can use to submit with your DVSA application.
- Compare your Equipment Packages
Other than price, please do consider the back up the customer is willing to provide. Let’s say you have a MOT equipment cost of £20,000 from Supplier A and another cost of £20,450 from supplier B. Don’t be too much in hurry to take Supplier’s A deal. Please consider what back up they are both willing to offer. If one supplier is willing to offer a next working day call out on repairs, emergencies & warranty this could end up saving you £1000s in the future.
In addition to this, please consider how long has this firm been in operation? Do they have a good reputation? Unfortunately, there are some firms out there who are out to make a short-term profit/sale. JHM Butt have been in business for over 50 years and installing brake testers, scissor and 4 post lifts for just as long as that.
You also need to be aware of where you are going to get your tools from for carrying out MOTs. Has your provider quoted on an ancillary kit which contains all the tools you need to carry out MOTs as per DVSA regulations, this should include all signage and tools boards. JHM Butt can not only provide the larger capital equipment such as a class 7 MOT ramp, we also can supply the smaller tools.
JHM butt can offer extended warranty packages based on a service agreement taken out with us, these are usually extendable up to 3 years, some equipment such as jacking beams and emissions testers can be extended up to 5 years.
- Bay MOT – Installation of an MOT Bay
Once you have chosen your supplier, you’ll need to consider any groundworks or electrical work required. For example, one of our 3 phase Class 7 MOT ramps requires a 20 amp 3 phase supply with an isolator. JHM butt have an electrical team and civils team which can carry out the work in tandem with our GEA accredited engineers. Coordination is often easier when the process is kept in one place. Of course, on notification of purchase JHM Butt assign a project manager to the MOT Bay installation who will provide frequent updates to the customer.