GDPR Privacy Policy


GDPR Privacy Policy
JHM Butt & Co. Ltd. take privacy seriously and have implemented safeguards in line with GDPR requirements to ensure that all data is stored in accordance with current data protection laws.

Data held
All companies and individuals who have received a quotation or information from, purchase from or supply to JHM Butt & Co. Ltd. have their company details and relevant contact details stored on our accounting package.

Data will include company delivery & invoices addresses, telephone & fax numbers and also individual telephone numbers, email addresses. It will also include where relevant details of bank accounts including bank account numbers & sort codes.

We do not record or store details of credit cards in line with PCIDSS requirements and we have no requirement to & do not record individual’s dates of birth or other personal details other than those required to forward information or products to the correct address.

Uses of stored data
JHM Butt & Co. are a supplier of workshop equipment and use stored data to trade with suppliers in the UK and overseas. This will include bank details for payment purposes.
Potential & Existing Customers:
Company & individual’s information is used market products to potential customers and to update existing customers with new products or potential opportunities in what is a fast moving marketplace.
For existing customers data stored includes the products purchased including electronic invoice copies. No credit card details are recorded in line with PCIDSS compliance.

Who we share data with?
JHM Butt & Co. do not generally share company or individual’s data with any other company save for the requirement of arranging the provision of a good or service to a customer premises where a delivery address and contact detail may be required to be provided to a supplier. Any 3rd party that could have access to our data are not given permission to process data for marketing purposes.

We do not under any circumstances share data with other companies for their own purposes.

How do we protect data?
Our data is all stored on a dedicated file server, not on the cloud, the server is provided with suitable virus & firewall protection and this protection is updated on a regular basis as directed by our IT consultants.

How long do we store data?
Electronic data is stored indefinitely
Paper records such as supplier invoices is stored for 7 years as required by law.

Your rights in respect of your data
You can at any time request access to the data we hold about you or your company.
You can request that we stop using the data for example to stop sending literature or promotions to you.
Please contact our data controller at [email protected] or phone 01302 710868.

If our data controller is unable to address your concerns please raise a complaint with the Managing Director Mark Bean email: [email protected]

If you remain dissatisfied you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or




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